The EVERLAST BEAN BAG text and stylized logo, are a registered trademark of Everlast Bean Bags. Everlast Bean Bag, is registered as a trademark with the Registrar of Trade Marks, Trade Marks Registry, Intellectual Property, Govt. of India and as a commercial establishment under the Bombay Shops & Establishment Act 1948.
All content on this website is the property of Everlast Bean Bags, and is protected by Indian and international copyright laws. No part of this website may be distributed or copied for any commercial purpose without prior written consent of Everlast Bean Bags.
All images and videos appearing on this Website are the exclusive property of Everlast Bean Bags and are protected under Indian and International copyright laws.
The images on this website may not be reproduced, copied, transmitted or manipulated without the written permission of Everlast Bean Bags, Mumbai, India. Use of any image as the basis for similar commercial reasons on another website or for another photographic concept or illustration (digital, artist rendering or alike) is a violation of Indian and International Copyright laws.
All images and videos are copyrighted @2012 Everlast Bean Bags, Mumbai, India.
Everlast Bean Bags, shall vigorously and diligently pursue all / any copyright infringements noticed or brought to our attention. The individuals posing with products on the Everlast Bean Bags website also reserve the right to individually pursue copyright violations of their images used by any other website other than the Everlast Bean Bags website.
Images of individuals that appear on this website are those of friends and relatives. We request you respect their right to decide where and when their images can appear and refrain from blatantly copying these images.